George (Georg) Jellinek will be remembered as an accomplished artist and kindhearted gentleman. George, an admired art teacher in the New York City school system for over 30 years, had been an artist all of his life until his passing in December 2022.

George, a twin, was born into an eastern European family in 1932. The twins’ family ran a fine furniture store and factory. Framed art would decorate the showroom displays as Vienna offered an endless supply of beauty and inspiration for art.

Until the tender age of six, the twins enjoyed their early childhood. Daily life changed forever when the SS soldiers abruptly began marching into Vienna, three months prior to the second world war. Several members of the Jellinek family, including the twins’ parent were taken to the Buchenwald and Dachau Concentrations Camps. With their parents imprisonment, the twins were at risk of being captured, but in an effort to protect the children, their Uncle Rudolph acquired documentation stating that they were Catholic. This allowed the twins to remain in a Catholic kinder care. Uncle Rudi further risked everything including his life to compensate the SS soldiers for his relatives’ release. After their successful release, the family sought refuge in Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo, Brazil avoiding further persecution.

While in Brazil, the local children would throw rocks at them because of their native German tongue had deemed them Nazis in their eyes. Throughout their ordeal from the ages of six to 12 years of age, in lieu of having the luxury of toys, George drew and was inspired by the landscapes of Brazil, which lead him to begin his life long love of painting. In 1944, when the twins were 12 years old, the family emigrated to the United States through both New York and Georgia.

Today we explore the enduring creativity of George Jellinek’s art. We can see through his eyes how focusing on uplifting imagery provides continual hope for the future.